The information provided within this website and our corresponding websites: lemonhouse.com, markbajerski.com and social media platforms including Mark Bajerski’s YouTube Channel is general in nature and is for entertainment purposes only. The information contains statements of opinion and personal experience that is not intended as therapeutic advice; medical advice; lifestyle advice; nor counselling of any kind. Mark Bajerski is not a therapist; counsellor nor medical professional and therefore we recommend that you consult your medical practitioner before commencing any program, course, retreat, event or use of any of our products to determine its suitability to your personal circumstances prior to using our products or before acting upon any of the information contained within this website.
By signing up for and attending courses(s), purchasing any product(s), attending any event(s), or by following any information described herein, or in person from any of programs facilitated by the Pure Energy Healing Academy and or its subsidiaries, associates, directors or owners, or in any of the videos whether in membership or YouTube channel, you accept that you have done so of your own free will and you agree to accept full responsibility for any outcome as a result.
By signing up for and participating in our programs you agree to release any claim to any recorded material including video and photographic images of yourself.
Our products; courses; membership; programs and events are intended to entertain and promote a happy lifestyle obtained by supporting the spiritual and physical body with Crystals and natural self healing principles. We do not promote miracle cures, fads or rapid results of any kind.
The testimonials contained within this website are from clients of Mark Bajerski spanning a number of years of his work. Personal success stories provided by people who have followed Mark’s guidance, and product reviews that have been posted or submitted to us by customers of our products via email or our social media platforms or by us has been self-reported by each individual and therefore their claims cannot be confirmed. Every effort has been made to accurately represent what you may expect by using our products or attending our events; courses; watching videos or attending retreats; however, this is not an assurance or guarantee that everyone will achieve the same.